Love & Lust LA

My very first solo show. I spent 5 years shooting and trying and planning and failing to put together an exhibition to show my photos. This time everything fell perfectly into place. The event was held February 14-16. I showed 20 images from the book I’m planning to release at the end of the year. Each person was given a rose on arrival. Over the 3 days hundreds of people came to view. I sold out of the zines I printed for in person purchase. Last minute I got a liquor sponsorship from Grey Goose. All of my marketing was done through social media and eventbrite.

The experience taught me a lot. I hadn’t done an event for myself although I hosted an art show for some friends at my first studio in LA. My girlfriend Nai and my cousin jonnell helped me produce the event. All the decor was by Nai. Allowing people to see my work for the first time gave me a great sense of accomplishment and also made me excited for what is to come.